Jses.ioby Shaojiang

Tech Articles

for JavaScript lovers to master front-end development.

Feb, 2025

Great snippets working like a charm

Jun, 2024

Server-Side rendering (SSR) and React Server Component (RSC)

A comparison of Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and React Server Component (RSC)

Apr, 2024

Analyze Next.js bundle size step by step

Analyze Next.js bundle size step by step. Add packages one by one and monitor the bundle size. The libraries include react-redux, awesome-font, material-ui, etc.

Apr, 2024

Deploy multiple domains with http3 support with Nginx

Config Nginx to support multiple websites on the same server to support HTTPS and HTTP/3.

Mar, 2024

Publish a React website mannually

Publish a React website mannually through code change

Feb, 2024

Jest: define the expected `expect` variable

Jan, 2024

Cypress installation: "Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module"

Error fixing: during cypress installation, an error may occur "Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module". Fix it by adding "resolutions": { "jackspeak": "2.1.1" } to package.json.

Jan, 2024

Next.js 13: format code snippets from Contentful

Contentful is a convenient way to host article content with code snippets. How to format the code snippets returned from Contentful in a Next.js application?

Nov, 2023

Configure Nginx to support HTTP/3 and Quic

Nov, 2023

How to use ssh-keygen to generate a new SSH key and use it?

SSH key is a secure way to authenticate and authorize users to certain services, such as GitHub. This article introduces how to generate a SSH key on a Linux-alike system.

Nov, 2023

A complete guide to make your first website online with HTTPS

A step-by-step guide to help you make a website online with HTTPS. We register a domain name on NameCheap, buy a virtual server on Linode, and then buy a SSL certificate, validate it and deploy it successfully. All steps are demonstrated with jscoder.io.

Nov, 2023

Next.js 13: Interpreting and Displaying Markdown Text

Format and display Markdown text in Next.js

Oct, 2023

Next.js 13: clean setup with TypeScript, eslint and prettier

In this article, we introduce to process to setup eslint and prettier for a Next.js application. You can find the source code in this repo.

Oct, 2023

Gatsby: load localized content from contentful dynamically

This article introduces you how to make a Gatsby site with multi-language content managed by Contentful.